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Aluminju Cookware

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20/24/28cm fidda Pot tal-manku li jintwew

Post ta 'Oriġini: Zhejiang, iċ-Ċina
Kodiċi tas-SA: 7323920000
Kulur: Sliver
daqs: 20 / 24 / 28cm
materjal: aluminum+stainless steel
PCS/CBM 0.11
CTN/CBM: 60 * 49.5 * 38
MOQ: 600

deskrizzjoni: Bionic lotus leaf technology for self-releasing non-stick. Stir-fry at high temperature without any paste, the ingredients always keep the original flavor. Inhibit bacteria 99.9%, healthy material antibacterial and anti-bacterial, protect family health. Nano titanium steel design, non-stick thickness of the bottom of the pan is uniform, to prevent burning of food and inhibit the production of fumes. Non-slip handle, the handle and the pot body at an oblique angle of 45 degrees, heat insulation and anti-scald.



Suitable for the whole family, can be used on induction and gas hobs



1. Bl-użu ta 'kisi ta' kwalità għolja bbażati fuq iż-żejt, huwa faċli biex jitnaddaf, b'saħħtu, u li ma jeħel b'applikazzjoni waħda biss

2. Mhux teħel jew teħel mal-qiegħ b'inqas żejt, li tagħmel it-tindif aktar konvenjenti

3. Aktar reżistenti għall-ilbies, ta 'densità għolja, toughness aktar b'saħħitha, u ħajja twila ta' servizz


Q: What are the advantages of this frying pan?

A: 1. Save time, the same heat energy, 50 seconds fast heat. 2. Save electricity, half of the fire power, heat evenly. 3. Save gas, medium fire can stir fry, save energy.


Q:How do I care for my aluminum frying pan?

A: Boil in water 2 to 3 times before first use to thoroughly remove all manufacturing residue.

Do not overheat the pan when it is empty or when it is full, as this may weaken the non-stick effect by damaging the coating.

Risk of overheating! When skimmed food comes into contact with an ungreased, overheated pan, the nonstick coating may undergo slight discoloration due to the burning of proteins. This discoloration is a sign of wear and does not affect the quality of the coating or its suitability.

Heat food over high/medium heat, then cook over lower heat until done.

Never leave a pan unattended while grease is heating: overheated grease can ignite. Never attempt to extinguish a grease fire with water! Extinguish the flames with a lid or thick woolen blanket.

Use only plastic or wooden kitchen utensils to avoid damaging the non-stick coating. Do not cut food directly in the pan.

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